Monday, June 15, 2009

Los Angeles riot


LOS ANGELES — Hundreds celebrated in the streets outside Staples Center after the Los Angeles Lakers' NBA title win Sunday night, with some revelers damaging police cruisers, throwing rocks and bottles at officers and setting bonfires in the street, authorities said.

About 25 people were arrested, most part of a rowdy crowd that split off on to surrounding streets after police declared the gathering an unlawful assembly, officer Karen Rayner said.

Several police cruisers were damaged and reinforcement officers were called in from throughout the city to help disperse the crowd, Rayner said.

Los Angeles police said five officers were hit by debris and had minor injuries.

Aerial television footage showed people jumping on a police car, rocking vehicles attempting to pass through the crowd, setting small trees on fire and throwing fireworks and flares set up by police. No injuries were reported.

A gas station was looted and several cars, buses and a news van were vandalized, police said.

Chief William Bratton commended officers for showing restraint despite "a lot of provocation from a number of knuckleheads," he told KTTV-TV.

Los Angeles is just waiting for a reason to start a riot.
Crazy ass city, and they call it the city of angeles LOL...
Its a nice city though...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bien venidos! lol

Oh yea I almost forgot... Stupid
Welcome to my blog! My blog is based on my ART, opinions, experiences, and lifestyle. Believe or not if you no me personal and chilled wit me B4 you know that ALOT of random shit happens around me. It's weird I dk watever. Any who... I'll be writing alot so keep checking back for updates. Hopefully you people enjoy reading my blog. THaNx.

-ChUnKy ((O_o))

SPM: The Real Story


THE REAL STORY If you don't know.. the real story.. then don't act like you know. Carlos Coy aka SPM... was framed. The mother of the nine year old, is the wife of Carlos's best friend for life Billy Stout. Billy and his wife Maribel, are jr. high school sweethearts.. so Carlos has known both of them for ever... like since he was poor and a basically a neighborhood thug. Billy was his crime partner.... Billy got locked up a long time ago.. and Carlos made the mistake of having an one night fling with Maribel... while Billy was in jail. 

Carlos always regretted giving in to this temptation and vowed never to tell Billy of his wrong doing... Maribel held this over Carlos's head for many years.... well Carlos became SPM and struck it rich. Maribel was trying to blackmail Carlos ... telling him that if he didn't give her some money she would tell Billy of the affair they had... Carlos was and is not the type to take to threats... so he ignored Maribel... months before the accusation that he had sexually assaulted her daughter.. Maribel... had made it clear to Carlos that she was planning to ruin his life someway, somehow. 

Labor day 2001.. Carlos's wife allowed Maribel's 9 yr. old daughter to spend the night.. you know have a sleep over with her and Carlos's 5 year old dauhgter Carlie Amor Coy. ( that to me doesn't even make sense.. a 9 yr. old, hanging with a 5 yr. old.. anyway..)This, in my opinion, was the opportunity Maribel needed to frame Carlos. 10 days after that night. Maribel claimes that her daughter told her that Carlos had touched her the night she stayed at Carlie's house. (I have to mention that at 2 in the morning of that night, Maribel's daughter complained of a stomach ache and Carlos took the little girl home... he even got off the car and ate menudo with the rest of her family before going back home.) ...Anyway, Maribel, after 10 days had passed, took her daughter to CPS.. but they told her that because it had been over a week since this alledgedly happened, and without any physical evidence, that there wasn't much they could do. So she told the CPS investigator, that Carlos had fathered a child with a 14 yr old, when he was 22. Now that was true... but what they don't tell you is... the mother of that child was a 14 yr. old posing as an 18 yr. old so she could strip for a living... and that is where Carlos had met her..... so he was definately under the impression that she was of age... it wasn't until after she had his child that Carlos found out her real age.... because she wanted child support ... which Carlos gave her and continues to give her till this day. The investigator opened a can of worms... when she began investigating this matter.... Carlos was a target for any girl who wanted to gold dig. So when the investigator... was reaching more women willing to come forward..(quick money on thier minds...) telling stories of Carlos having sex with them when they were under age...... that's when they charged him with his crime... that's the real story....believe it or not....I'll let you decide..... holla SHADOW RAMIREZ aka TWINN.... Yes, I was there in the court room everyday until they considered me a "character witness" which was the last two days of the trial... I was also there for the sentencing, yes... I was also his best friend and partner in music.... I was his ..1 producer, which meant I almost went everywhere he did for at least 5 years straight since '97.. also I . or I should say ...we all grew up in the same hood.. "we" meaning... 

Carlos , Billy, Maribel, my brother Grimm , and I... this all goes way back... back before Carlos became S.P.M. look, Carlos was no saint... I know that , but he didn't do what they put him behind bars for.... 45 yrs.... come on.. murderes, & cocaine dealers do less time... they wanted to burry him alive... he was getting to strong of an infleunce for Mexicanos... period.. this was there opportunity to shut him up permanantly.... I wouldn't count him out... as long as he is breathing... he has a chance to get out of this situation... he was the luckiest f@cker I know...... and anyone who knew him, would tell you that's so true.

I'ma a SPM fan and I believe he was framed too. No I'm not all Fuck police or fuck the system, I'm none of that I'm actually pursuing a career in criminal justice, I hope one day I make detective. I believe he was framed because I know how woman are these days. Especially woman that live off men. Those are the worst type of woman because they will fuck up someones life just for money...... Money makes the world go round I guess.... There's some ruthless ass bitches out there.. worser them men. I dont no SPM personally, but through his music and the effect he has had on the mexican american culture and the Houston culture, I feel like I do no him. He rap's about the real shit that most people can relate too. He's not about all fancy shit. He's real and thats why his fans stick by him. I guess now a day they cant see a mexican aka a Minority come up because they think were doin something illegal. If a mexican has money " oh there a drug dealer " or there doin something else illegal. Practically saying " No a mexican can not have better things than me I not will accept that." Thats how america looks at us. Its a dam shame they only remember the bad things. ...... .....

-ChUnKy (((O_0)))